
Electronic Wasters Organizes, Monitors, and Certifies Safe and Legitimate Safe Disposal of Electronic Waste in Developing Countries and Poorer Nations of the World. We train teams and subcontractors in the developing world to clean up and recycle or property reuse electronic waste to preserve their environment and better guard the public health of their residents.

E-Wasters can work on regular disposal contracts with corporations, insurance, and governments – with any entity in the public or private or non profit sector to better process and regulate the end of the life of their computers and electronics. In a world escalating in its use of electronics, electronic waste disposal is becoming much more pertinent and prioritized for sustainable and responsible businesses, for community CSR and better supply chain design as well as public relations.

We are here and designed to serve your electronic waste needs in the most remote nations and regions of the globe.

Minimum service charge is USD 500 – Shipping and Pickup Extra outside of central capitals
AD Asset Category Quantity Safe Disposal fee (USD) Logistics per kg
Accessories ( may include but is not limited to cables, privacy filters, adapters, carrying cases etc) 1 kg 1.2 2.5
Communication (IP Phones, cellphones, pagers, Tablets, Kindles, cameras, smart phones, mouse, keyboard, etc) 1 pc 1.8 2.5
CPUs, Networking, Laptops, Servers, Projectors/scanners /LCD / 1 pc 4.2 2.5
PDP/Cameras, Desk Printers & Options, modems/routers, UPS & Power Devices, cartridges, shredder 1.2 2.5
Hard Drives (Loose) 1 pc 1.8 2.5
Monitors – CRT/TFT/plasma/CRT TV/Projection TV 1 pc 7.8 2.5
Floor printers / server cabinets 1 pc 7.8 2.5
Tapes (Loose), 1 kg 1.8 2.5
tape drives for desktops / laptops, electromagnetic drives 2.5
Data destruction (wiping/killing) laptops, cpus and servers 1 pc 38.29 2.5
Photocopiers, Fridge/ Freezers/ AirCon, Washing Machine 1 pc 7.8 2.5
Vacuum Cleaner, DVD / Home theater / Hifi / Decoder 1 pc 1.8 2.5
Microwave Oven 1 pc 2.4 2.5
Fluorescent, filament, energy saving bulb 1 kg 3.6 2.5
solar lights, PV panels, (complete or incomplete), all types of batteries, Other assorted items / waste 1 kg 3.6 2.5



EW can offer 1 week to 10 years of storage for non Hazardous materials in all countries, prior to disposal and with bond.


EW can offer exchange programs and training for e-waste disposal in most host nations, and regional outstanding star partners in each.


EW can drum, seal, and export and certifiably destroy lithium ion and other batteries, via Europe and Singapore partners and oceanic shipping.

Electronic Waste is, naturally tracking to modernization and the digital economy, the fastest in year-on-year growth in any type of waste in the developed and developing world. In the developing world the surplus of e-waste is outpacing facilities, abilities, and incentives to handle it. Rapidly leading to colossal e-waste dumps, and grey to black market disposal dumps that directly deposit toxic metals and chemicals into the ground, the water, and the community.

Since the dawn of the computer age, starting with a trickle after the cold war, as an annex of the denuclearization the world of the ex-Soviet and NATO sphere developed a few protocols, aligned (or at least allied with) the United Nations to clean up toxic waste. Silent Spring touched on chemical pollutants, which many years after Rachel Carson affixed an awareness of technology and progress as not always running with the interests of the environment,

Electronic waste became a specialization as a whole lot of the components were utterly inorganic yet not as easily recyclable as plastics. The march of microchips into the handsets and offices of most of the human population culminated in an all-out mine-it mayhem of rare earth metals that, while not always toxic, would end up migrating to bizarre and remote planets of the globe. Due to the mobile internet revolution, almost EVERY corner of human habitation has e-easte problems or caches now. That’s what EW is all about.

E-wasters has a network of in-house staff and subs who can fan out into the remotest reaches of earth to demobilize, recover, and bring back waste from whatever abyss or amazing landscape or sprawling city it was deployed to. We can do e-waste in the slums of Lagos or Kinshasa or the rainforests of Madagascar and PNG just as easily as the heights of Hong Kong or Beverly Hills. We schedule pickup, charge reasonable rates, use above board an actually envi-friendly destruction, and can neutralize vital IP exposure. Firms, banks, offices in cities which need to wipe or refurbish hard drives or computers or anything with sensitive data can count on us to expunge and atomize and completely obliterate it. Communities where nobody wants to handle the problem or touch an e-dump can count on a specialized shock crew to come in, assess and audit, and do what needs to be done, and clean it up with military vigor and thoroughness.

Electronic waste companies and disposal companies in Africa and Madagascar are hard to select and vet, which is why we have partnerships and audits concluded ahead of time and visit and oversee facilities and certifications, even letting clients participate and monitor if they’d like. E-waste in Papua New Guinea and the remote pacific islands needs marine and interisland transport to effectively work Therefore, we work with a network of boat transport and captains to execute e-waste projects as to keep the islands pristine. Latin America has extremely dense urban areas with high mobile penetration and poor e-waste practices next to Europe Asia and North America, and we select regional stars to process electronic waste disposal in South America and Central America.

Electronic waste companies and disposal services in Central Asia and Russia have been improved rigorously over the past 30 years leading up to 2020, and they have some of the best rates in the world (and a lot of experience in IP atomization and IP safeguarding by destruction.) The Afghanistan-Tajikistan-Northern Pakistan zone is still one of the toughest nuts for e-waste out there but with the construction of highways and cementing of codes by either the government or local mountain militias, generally waste management and detoxification of old warzones as well as computer and e-waste has somewhat normalized even with terrain and politics.

E-Wasters manages, certifies, picks up, and recycles or donates electronic waste for clients with specific regional, field-tough, or modern globalized needs in keeping high CSR and Envi R standards, across different materials, hardware updates and turnovers, office turnovers, shifts to remote work, and fragmented supply chains and waste chains. Contact us today, come with all your complications, and we’ll crunch it!